Sanford Springvale has all the elements of a true New England community. It’s a place where people settled hundreds of years ago and then stayed for generations. Yet Sanford is a dynamic city within a thriving Maine region. As such it not only respects the past, but it has positioned itself to invite positive change and growth for the future. For example, there are new facilities here: a world-class high school and technical center, a high-speed community fiber-optic network, and multiple alternative energy sites.
For the nostalgic, downtown looks much the same as it did a century ago: with architecturally significant buildings, a walkable Main Street, shade trees and parks, the Mousam River waterfront, and sizable brick textile mills that gave the city its original identity.
Moreover, Sanford Springvale occupies a strategic location at the geographic center of New England and the center of population in York County, Maine’s fastest growing region. It has many amenities not found in typical small Maine communities. As Maine’s seventh largest city, with a population of over 21,000, Sanford is known for its schools, its healthcare facilities, a municipal airport (used by two former Presidents), a summer collegiate baseball team and jewel of a ballpark, retail centers and its proximity to colleges.
The city attracts businesses and residents who appreciate its low cost of living, its incredible access to natural resources and the sense of history that is essential to its character. What also draws people here? There’s a palpable energy in Sanford these days, created by those who live and work here; they know that this is a great place to live, work and raise a family.